I understand that I can capture funds through WSI. Does this occur by simply updating the updating the TransactionState column in the Order table? If not, what command to I use?
I understand that I can capture funds through WSI. Does this occur by simply updating the updating the TransactionState column in the Order table? If not, what command to I use?
No, it is not just that.
Try this:
Code:<AspDotNetStorefrontImport Verbose="false"><OrderManagement OrderNumber="100007" Action="Capture" /></AspDotNetStorefrontImport>
We are thinking of doing this for an ERP integration.
So according to this an order can be authorized (AUTH) upon creation in AspDotNetStoreFront and then once the order is fulfilled by the ERP we can do a WSI update like your example to actually CAPTURE the funds via the Gateway?
That make sense?
Matthew Bertulli
Demac Media
Custom Web Design & E-Commerce Development
AspDotNetStoreFront Platinum DevNet Partner
Custom Skinning & Design
Web Services Integration
Custom Reporting
Salesforce.com eCommerce AspDotNetStoreFront Integration
Yes absolutely. Executing that statement through WSI is just like clicking the Capture button in AspDotNetStorefront admin in the order management section.
<a href="http://www.aspdotnetstorefront.com">Shopping Cart Software</a>
This is excellent information. I have written a low-end packing system that will help validate the orders being packed are accurate. This system will also print my Fedex labels ... with this WSI call I can capture funds at the time labels are printed. This will be a HUGE timesaver to how we capture now (manually through authorize.net)!