Can anyone help point me in the right direction here? Im trying to get new orders and the xml that is returned, I am trying to parse it to extract the order id, the list of items. I am inserting this into a local database for our warehouse management software.
In the sample below, I have highlighted in red what I need to extract. Below that is a crude attempt at extracting the given data.
If anyone could help point me in the right direction that would be greatly appreciated!!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AspDotNetStorefrontImportResult Version="" DateTime="3/4/2007 11:16:40 AM">
<Get Table="Orders" Name="NewOrders" XmlPackage="DumpOrder.xml.config" IDColumn="OrderNumber" DefaultWhereClause="" OrderBy="OrderDate asc">
<Criteria IsNew="1" />
<Order OrderNumber="100000" ShowCardNumber="">
<StoreVersion>AspDotNetStorefront ML</StoreVersion>
<ChosenColor />
<ChosenColorSKUModifier />
<ChosenSize />
<ChosenSizeSKUModifier />
<OrderedProductName>Simple Product 1</OrderedProductName>
<OrderedProductVariantName />
<OrderedProductManufacturerPartNumber />
<OrderedProductQuantityDiscountName />
<OrderedProductQuantityDiscountID />
<OrderedProductQuantityDiscountPercent />
<DownloadLocation />
<TextOption />
private void parseXml(XmlDocument xml)
XmlElement root = xml.DocumentElement;
//XmlNodeList nodesEntries = root.GetElementsByTagName("Order");
XmlNodeList nodesEntries = xml.SelectNodes("/Order/OrderItems");
foreach (XmlNode nodeEntry in nodesEntries)
//for (int i = 0; i < nodesEntries.Count; i++)
// string orderNumber = nodeEntry["OrderNumber"].InnerText;
XmlNodeList itemEntries = nodeEntry.SelectNodes("/item");
foreach (XmlNode itemEntry in itemEntries)
String orderNumber = itemEntry["OrderNumber"].InnerText;
OutputXml.Text = orderNumber + "/n";
//String orderNumber = nodeEntry.SelectSingleNode("item/OrderNumber").InnerText;
// String orderNumber = nodeEntry.SelectSingleNode("OrderNumber").InnerText;
// String baseCharge = nodesEntries[i].InnerXml;