I only have one shipping method and I would like this to be automatically selected rather than having to select it.
Is this possible and how can I do this?
I only have one shipping method and I would like this to be automatically selected rather than having to select it.
Is this possible and how can I do this?
Are you using Realtime Shipping or what type of shipping config are you suing to calculate the rates.
Hey lexmicro,
I am working on this project with Gavin,
We are using 'calculate shipping by weight'
Hey lexmicro,
I am working on the same project as Gavin.
We are using the shipping method of 'shipping by total weight'.
i would say try the app config
RTShipping.ShippingMethodsToPrevent parameter first see if that does the trick.
make sure the app config DefaultShippingCalculationID parameter is set to the correct shipping method you want to default too
check the parameter RTShipping.DefaultItemWeight make sure you have ti set incase a product is missing the weight
HUGE IF: If your never, and your absolutely sure you are never going to ship via another shipping method you can try removing the shipping methods from the configuration > Shipping > shipping Method and use only the one you want to.
Though i wouldn't recommend deleting them as this may cause other problems down the road.
FYI best thing i can recommend, is before you go customizing and redeveloping the entire site design and layout, go through ALL the app configs one by one, yes i know its a daunting task but do it, youll be glad you did take a couple of days to do it, its boatload of information to take in. Setup all the apps your going to need and make sure they are working right, then and only then after you have all if not most of the functions you need "out of box" go forward and start developing hte custom stuff you need if any and redesigning and redeveloping the rest of it all.
I hope i helped you somewhat and at least lead you in the right direction.
Last edited by AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott; 06-16-2009 at 06:51 AM.
I just have a single shipping method (for now), which also happens to be free. I'd like to still include the shipping options page during checkout, but it is currently confusing for customers that they shipping option isn't "checked" by default.
I've set "DefaultShippingCalculationID" to the corresponding ID, but it still doesn't set as checked automatically.
Any ideas?