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Thread: WSI Image file name override & sizing

  1. #1
    Kirk48906 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default WSI Image file name override & sizing

    When using the ImageFile Name Image Override field in WSI how does that work with image auto resizing? Do we just put the image in the large directory and does it make all the other sizes? How can you specify tyhe file name for the other size file names, and or parameters for auto resizing when you can't send the actual image info in Base 64 per the instructions.

  2. #2
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2006
    Cleveland, OH


    ImageFileNameOverride is a feature that allows you to specify a name in the database table for Products or Entities, and the application will look for an image with that name in the images/Product or Entity/Large, Medium, or Icon directories. You cannot have different ImageFileNameOverride values for each of the different sizes (eg. if you set imagefilenameoverride as mynewproduct.jpg, and then upload mynewproduct.jpg to the icon and medium directories and upload mynewproduct_large_cool.jpg to the large can't then tell the site to associate mynewproduct_large_cool.jpg to the same product).

    As for image resizing, images are only resized upon upload and save through the admin section or WSI...not dynamically on page load (the first time someone tried to load 100 products on a single page, each with 1600 x 1200 pixel original images that had to be resized on the fly we'd get a thousand questions about page load times ). If you'd like to use the image resizing feature, it needs to be used at the time of image upload into AspDotNetStorefront...if you are uploading the images manually via FTP then you'll need to make sure the images are already the size you need them. However, image resizing does have a feature (supported both in the admin section and through WSI, that allows you to upload one large image and have it create and resize the other images for you
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  3. #3
    Kirk48906 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    There are no tools to provide a file name and location and have it grab the image from the location and create the image sizes? This would be great via WSI, we have no way of uploading the image via base 64. We have an image now, know where it is, and would like via WSI to have/trigger it make the other sizes necessary.

    We've already figured out the manual uploading, but that requires running all the images through an extrenal program to create the sizes, keeping track of the various directories, what's been created/ what's new, etc.

    It would be a major advantage to have a WSI call to grab a file which was passed to it, and then have the call move the graphic to the various directories and size it at that time keeping the root name.