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Thread: How to install Msx 9.4?

  1. #1
    Allan_Fbs is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Unhappy How to install Msx 9.4?

    Hello All,

    I am very new to this. My client purchased Msx 9.4 and we are working under the following platform:

    Windows: Windows Server 2008 R2
    SQL: SQL Server 2008 R2
    .NET Framework : 4.0
    IIS- 7.5

    Please advice how to install Msx 9.4 in our server? I've a checklist that give the steps to install 9.3.

    Should we follow the same for 9.4?
    I can't find the 'AddIns' folder mentioned in the step 15 of 'File Setup' section
    While executing SQL queries, do we have to run all the queries in the db folder?
    Main issue is with IIS, we can't see the 'Default website' in IIS.
    Once we add the application under website and clicking on 'browse', what does the screen display?
    Do we have to rename any folder?

    Kindly help me. I am not sure how to proceed.


  2. #2
    mikecali is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009



    Basically, you follow the same instructions as 9.3, but 9.4 seems to have lost the clunkiness..(which i LOVE)

    If you are installing a fresh site and not upgrading, then you will only have to run the sql queries.
    Create AspDotNetStorefront Database.sql
    Update 9.0 to Latest.sql

    if you are upgrading, it might be a bit different.

    I think the AddIns folder is for something else. If you don't have it, I wouldn't worry about it.

    I had a server without a Default Site....can't remember what happened, but I believe we just re-created it.

    I would just create your site and point it to your /web folder and then give that folder all the securities needed.

    I have an IIS server with many sites on it, so I rename the folders for each domain. if this is your only (I doubt that) site,, you can....but I would create a folder named and then dump the /web folder into it.

    good luck.

    i'll this post to see if you have anything else.
