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Thread: Accessing aspdnsf controls outside XMLPackages

  1. #1
    MudDiver is offline Member
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Accessing aspdnsf controls outside XMLPackages

    In the product.SimpleProduct.xml.config file is a line like

    <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:AddtoCartForm(ProductID, VariantID, 1)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>

    I want to be able to call the AddToCartForm from within a aspx page not using the XML Package. I can't seem to find a reference to what assembly has this method. Can someone help me with registering this in the aspx file and how I would call it from within the page?


  2. #2
    MarkC is offline Developer
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    the AddToCartForm is an extension function, that is specifically designed to work with our XmlPackages, which outputs html literals for the addtocart buttons, etc... and uses a postback url to process input data.

    Xml Package

    If you want to roll-out your own addtocart form via controls, you can refer to the addtocart.aspx.cs for the required parameters for adding items to the cart.