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Thread: product and categories

  1. #1
    lkkol is offline Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default product and categories

    I added a ton of products and categories in English. They only show up in the Enlish Localization. If I switch to Spanish or Italian the products and categories are not there. I see that I can go into each product and category and customize the product and categories based on the localization.

    Is there anyway to use English if the product or category information for a particular localization is blank, or empty?


  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    That's actually how the multiple locale should work, that's why you have to activate more locales so customers could choose their preferred language when browsing the site. If you will use just English language to all of your products you don't need to activate more locales, I don't see the purpose there.

    If the only concern is to allow customers to choose different currencies, you just need to publish them at Configuration -> Localization -> Currencies.

  3. #3
    ceriwholesale is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Hi, i'm in the process of doing multiple localization as well. You mentioned that you can go into each product and category and customize them based on localization. I tried to find that but couldn't find such function. Do i just go into the product, then change the locale dropdown box to another language, and update the product information there? I couldn't find anything regarding product localization regarding it. Any info will be much appreciated. thanks.

    best regards,

    Quote Originally Posted by lkkol View Post
    I added a ton of products and categories in English. They only show up in the Enlish Localization. If I switch to Spanish or Italian the products and categories are not there. I see that I can go into each product and category and customize the product and categories based on the localization.

    Is there anyway to use English if the product or category information for a particular localization is blank, or empty?


  4. #4
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2006
    Cleveland, OH


    That's exactly what you do When you switch the locale dropdown value in the admin section for a multi-locale site, you set that particular product/entity page up to save data for a specific locale. Then on the front end when a customer changes the language dropdown, it will show the values that you have entered in when that same language/locale was selected in the admin section.
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