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Thread: Tables in checkout flow

  1. #1
    ssgumby is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Tables in checkout flow

    I am using 1 page checkout. When I am on the first page where I select shipping and enter credit card, then I click "continue checkout". At that point, where is the data written with the selections I made?

    For example, in my current php cart we have an orders table. At the point I click continue checkout it writes data to that table. Then when the order is complete and has an authorization it sets the status to approved. Is there a similiar flow here?

    Here is why I ask .. I need to add an selection to the checkout process. On the checkout page I have successfully added my dropdown field and I can get the value in checkout1.aspx.cs ... it is at this point I would like to either save my new value in the table where the order info is stored (add a column) or else have a new table that will hold my value with the order id as the key back to the order .. somehow I need to tie this field to the order as I need to display their choice in the invoice.

    Any advice would be great!


  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Every time an item is added to the cart, they will be stored in the shoppingCart table and move to another tables by the time the customer completed the order. The status of the order depends on your TransactionMode setting in the appconfig.

    Order info are stored in:

    Orders_ShoppingCart = regular items
    Orders_KitCart = Kit item
    Orders_CustomCart = pack items
    Orders = Order header information