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Thread: Exception, Message=Invalid column name 'OrdersID

  1. #1
    yesimarobot is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Exception, Message=Invalid column name 'OrdersID

    I'm running into an issue calling the default DumpOrder.xml.config file using the WSIImportTester application. I try the following xml and recieve the error below. Strangely, when I remove the string DumpOrder.xml.config It works, but still does not decrypt the CC #

    XML Call:
    <AspDotNetStorefrontImport Verbose="false">
    <Get Table="Orders" Name="NewOrders">
    <XmlPackage RuntimeParams="ShowCardNumber=true">DumpOrder.xml. config</XmlPackage>
    <OrderBy>OrderDate asc</OrderBy>
    <Criteria IsNew="1" />

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
    <AspDotNetStorefrontImportResult Version="" DateTime="5/13/2009 4:06:43 PM"><Get Table="Orders" Name="NewOrders" XmlPackage="DumpOrder.xml.config" IDColumn="OrdersID" DefaultWhereClause="" OrderBy="OrderDate asc"><Criteria IsNew="1"/><Error Message="Exception, Message=Invalid column name 'OrdersID'." /></AspDotNetStorefrontImportResult>

  2. #2
    MelanieA is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    There are space between your DumpOrder.xml <space> config that throws an error with your xml package. Try checking on this one, I have tested this on my local copy

    <AspDotNetStorefrontImport Verbose="false">
    <Get Table="Orders" Name="NewOrders">
    <XmlPackage RuntimeParams="ShowCardNumber=true">DumpOrder.xml. config</XmlPackage>
    <OrderBy>OrderDate desc</OrderBy>
    <Criteria IsNew="1" />

    Check if this works for you