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Thread: Adding Shipping Weight Table via Run SQL

  1. #1
    tacklediscounts is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2009
    London, England

    Default Adding Shipping Weight Table via Run SQL

    I have access right now only to the Run SQL in the admin console and would like to add quite a large shipping weight table rather than typing it in manually. I have not been able to find the database name that I need to add this.

    Additionally, I would need to know the correct way to format the rest.

    1) Low Weight Name
    2) High Weight Name
    3) Shipping Methods (do I use the ID or the text value name??)
    4) Values (are they contained like '1.99' or just 1.99)

    Some examples:

    INSERT [dbo].ShippingWeight(LowWeight,HighWeight,ShippingMetho d1,ShippingMethod2,) values(0.0000,0.1000,1.99,8.99);

    INSERT [dbo].ShippingWeight(LowWeight,HighWeight,15,16,) values('0.0000','0.1000','1.99','8.99');

  2. #2
    tacklediscounts is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2009
    London, England


    I seem to have found the right format, however it isn't placing the values into the table. This is the format that I am using from the Run SQL prompt. I also noticed in the table another column that I omited, CreatedOn. Is that one required as well (in which date format?)

    INSERT [dbo].ShippingByWeight(RowGUID,LowValue,HighValue,Shipp ingMethodID,ShippingCharge) values('50c288ff-81d6-48f4-a15b-eff07dc8b0be',7.0001,8,36,63.73);

  3. #3
    tacklediscounts is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2009
    London, England


    I was finally able to find the answer and had used the following format

    INSERT [dbo].ShippingByWeight(RowGUID,LowValue,HighValue,Shipp ingMethodID,ShippingCharge) values('bebe1b7a-f9da-48ae-a137-09e6795f1471',20.0001,21,16,9.99);

  4. #4
    CoryAvidmax is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2010


    Does anyone how to get the current RowGUID from the table in ASPDNSF?

  5. #5
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2007


    The RowGUID is determined automatically the moment a new record is inserted in the DB, it shouldn't be included in the insert statement.
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