We will be having an AspDotNetStorefront Training Conference, in Vegas, the week of July 13-17. Venue is set for MGM. We will be fully covering our new master page Ashland Release, with full ERPS integration specification and plug-in architecture, and all new features. We will also be well into our Enterprise multi-store version by then, and will give a detailed update on that. We may have other guest speakers there also (Google, PayPal, Search, SEO, PCI, ERP, CRM, POS, Auctions, etc)...we may even have some of the biggest ERP players there with some luck. We plan this to be down and dirty ask coding /architecture questions, and “how do I...” type of sessions...and welcome ALL customers, prospective customers, and partners! Now's the time to get down and dirty with our dev team, on how to do X, Y, or Z with our Ashland platform.
Conference Cost is $2495, with discount early registration $1495 if signed up by 6/21.
The conference brochure PDF is here: http://www.aspdotnetstorefront.com/2...conference.pdf
The registration page is at http://www.aspdotnetstorefront.com/p...july-16th.aspx
There are going to be a LOT of GREAT technical presentations, and developers and designers are welcome and encouraged to bring their laptops to do some hands-on coding with our team![]()