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Thread: News Summary Modification

  1. #1
    ncoppola is offline Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Default News Summary Modification


    I'd to link news items to a template design that was developed. I know there is a news summary that is used on the homepage, but I'm not sure where to modify the html that gets output.

    The following is an example of the look.

    Name:  example.jpg
Views: 6
Size:  43.9 KB

    This is the current html found in the topic for the default page...

    <dl class="list-1">
    <dt><span>25</span><a href="#">Ante lacucuisque nullastibulum liberos nislrta eriues eget malesuada</a> </dt>
    <dd>Vel metulla facienean nec erstibulum antes ipsum primis inibus orci luctuset ult sed pharetra sisque diam... </dd>
    <dt><span>11</span><a href="#">Proin dictum elementum vescuismod consequat anrem</a> </dt>
    <dd class="extra">Facienean nec erstibulum antes ipsum primis inibus orci luctusetibulum laculis lacilum iaculis lacinia est. Proin dictum elementum velit... </dd>

    The version is:


    Thank you,

    - Nick
    Last edited by ncoppola; 08-17-2013 at 03:54 AM.
    Nick Coppola
    Lead Developer
    The Everest Information Technologies Group, LLC
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    Development/Customization/Integration Experience:

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  2. #2
    mmcgeachy is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Since it looks to be you are just talking about displaying the summary on the default.aspx/homepage. I am going to guess you have not done any edits to page.default.xml.config xmlpackage and have the appconfig of DoNotShowNewsOnHomePage set to false. If all this is true then it is just a matter of editing the news.xml.config xmlpackage to edit the news summary.