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Thread: Inventory Control on a per product basis

  1. #1
    DDM486 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Inventory Control on a per product basis

    I have a problem that I was wondering if anyone else has encountered and how they resolved it. What we'd like is the ability to have inventory control on a per product basis. For example, if I have Product A, I'd like it so that you can only order what is on hand. If there are 3 available, then it would stop you from ordering more than that. However, we also have Product B. This is something that is produced as it is ordered so there's no need to keep track of inventory. The tricky part comes in how our client handles these items within their own system that we are integrating with. The inventory must be set to 0 and cannot be set at an extremely high amount, such as 1,000,000. Otherwise, it ends up messing up the numbers in their system. I have tried making this product a downloadable product and leaving the download location field blank, but the global inventory configurations still apply. I've also emailed aspdotnetstorefront support about this and was told it would take customization to accomplish. This is something I am prepared to do if necessary, but I wanted to see if anyone else had other ideas before I go with this.


  2. #2
    webopius is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2008
    London, UK


    Yes, custom work required I think. You'd probably need a flag against each product to indicate whether it was inventory tracked or not. Then custom versions of Add To Cart and maybe checkout logic so that certain products can be ordered if their inventory is 0.


  3. #3
    nChannel is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2012
    Columbus Ohio


    I guess it depends on what system you are integrating with. This sounds like an inventory management and sync issue where you want to make sure that you have enough inventory represented to fulfill the order with the client.

    I'm not sure if we can help or not, but I'll at least let you know that we provide an aspdnsf integration solution that helps you integrate with your inventory via POS or ERP system or suppliers.

    you can easily syndicate items to us, and merchandise them for your AspDotNetStorefront system and all your other channels, eliminating redundant data entry procedures. nChannel can also push sales orders from AspDotNetStorefront to your Point of Sale system and help you keep inventory synchronized.

    Again, not sure if this is the exact help you need but at least just letting you know we have something that might help.

    Our aspdotnetstorefront integration solution:
