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Thread: Which Columns Require Translation?

  1. #1
    lkkol is offline Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Which Columns Require Translation?

    IN addition to 'String Name' and 'String Value' The strings.en-US.xls file contains values in Columns C ...* for 'String Name' : tableorder.aspx.1 --- > notification.betareceipt.xml.config.11

    Do these values need to be translated?


  2. #2
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Cleveland, OH


    In the strings.en-US.xls that ships with the application, only columns A (String Name) and B (String Value) have values in them. These are names of the string resources that the application uses, and the values which are used in place of those string resources when the pages are loaded. There shouldn't be anything in any other columns.

    For multi-locale configurations, you should create additional files named strings.locale.xls (eg.,, etc...) that have the same 2 columns. Column A should remain the same (eg. account.aspx.25 would be account.aspx.25, etc...) and column B should be the translated version of the value (eg. Yes in strings.en-US.xls for account.aspx.25 would become Oui in for account.aspx.25). You then create the locale fr-FR in the admin section and upload the file for that locale, as outlined here in our manual
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