I don't know if anyone else saw this interview with Dan Van Kuren, ASPDNSF EVP, over on Practical eCommerce where they profiled our favorite shopping cart as Cart Of the Week (http://www.practicalecommerce.com/ar...tNetStorefront).
Of particular interest was the announcement that some of the future product enhancements include:
- Native Blog Support
- User Defined URL Generation to ease transition from legacy sites to new ones without losing SEO mojo
- " ERPS [ERP Synchronization Specification], which is a set of standard contracts, add-in interfaces, event notifications, and web services that allow developers to integrate AspDotNetStorefront ML with basically any back-end accounting or ERP application without ever touching a single line of our code.
Wow, can't wait! Hey guys, on the Blog support, please ensure that it supports not only an easy way to inserting/link to products from the blog articles but it is IMPORTANT to support Metaweblog API so tools like Windows Live Writer can be used to create postings. With Blog support (assuming the blog will support author and/or user tags) will products support tags as well?
Also, the ERPS looks very interesting, can't wait to hear more!