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Thread: Rating Stars by the SKU & on the Cat pages!

  1. #1
    dragon is offline Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Rating Stars by the SKU & on the Cat pages!

    Hi...I'm looking for a way to put the just the rating stars under each product in my category pages. I would also like just the stars by the sku on the product pages. Any ideas? Thank you for your time.

  2. #2
    DanV's Avatar
    DanV is offline Ursus arctos horribilis
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    You could write an extension function in XSLTExtensionBase that handled this...


            public string EntityPageRatings(String sProductID)
                InputValidator IV = new InputValidator("EntityPageRatings");
                int ProductID = IV.ValidateInt("ProductID", sProductID);
                StringBuilder RatingHTML = new StringBuilder();
                // Make sure there are ratings to display
                int NumberOfRatings = DB.GetSqlN("select count(*) as N from Rating where IsFilthy = 0  and ProductID = " + ProductID.ToString());
                if (NumberOfRatings > 0)
                    //We have ratings, so lets build the html
                    int RatingSum = DB.GetSqlN("select SUM(rating) as N from Rating where IsFilthy = 0 and ProductID =" + ProductID.ToString());
                    int i = 1;
                    decimal AvgRating = 0.00M;
                    //Calculate the Average rating here, as SQL AVG function handles data types inconsistently
                    if (RatingSum > 0)
                        //DON'T DIVIDE BY ZERO!
                        AvgRating = (Convert.ToDecimal(RatingSum) / Convert.ToDecimal(NumberOfRatings));
                    //First build the "whole" stars
                    while (i <= AvgRating)
                        RatingHTML.Append("<img src=\"./images/starf.gif\" />");
                    //Now add a partial star in case the average is something like 3.5
                    if (AvgRating > (i - 1))
                        RatingHTML.Append("<img src=\"./images/starh.gif\" />");
                    //Add the "empty" stars
                    while (i <= 5)
                        RatingHTML.Append("<img src=\"./images/stare.gif\" />");
                    //Finally, represent the rating with text as well
                    RatingHTML.Append("<br/><span class=\"AvgRatingText\">Average Customer Rating:<br/>" + AvgRating.ToString() + " out of 5</span>");
                    //Just display a message stating that the product has not been reviewed
                    RatingHTML.Append("<span class=\"NoRatingsText\">No Reviews</span>");
                return RatingHTML.ToString();
    and then call the extension function from the ProductCell template in the entity.grid xml package like so:

    <xsl:if test="aspdnsf:AppConfigBool('RatingsEnabled') = 'true'">
            <td height="45" align="center" valign="top">
                <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:EntityPageRatings(ProductID)" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
    And what you end up with is something that looks like:

    Last edited by DanV; 03-27-2009 at 12:12 PM. Reason: clean up XML package code formatting

  3. #3
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Cleveland, OH


    No worries You can do this with a custom extension class in the App_Code directory and a couple small changes to the xmlpackage and web.config file.

    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Security;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
    using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
    using System.Text;
    using AspDotNetStorefrontCore;
    /// <summary>
    /// Summary description for CustomExtensions
    /// </summary>
    namespace mycustomextensions
        public class CustomExtensions
            public string EntityPageRatings(String sProductID)
                InputValidator IV = new InputValidator("EntityPageRatings");
                int ProductID = IV.ValidateInt("ProductID", sProductID);
                StringBuilder RatingHTML = new StringBuilder();
                // Make sure there are ratings to display
                int NumberOfRatings = DB.GetSqlN("select count(*) as N from Rating where IsFilthy = 0  and ProductID = " + ProductID.ToString());
                if (NumberOfRatings > 0)
                    //We have ratings, so lets build the html
                    int RatingSum = DB.GetSqlN("select SUM(rating) as N from Rating where IsFilthy = 0 and ProductID =" + ProductID.ToString());
                    int i = 1;
                    decimal AvgRating = 0.00M;
                    //Calculate the Average rating here, as SQL AVG function handles data types inconsistently
                    if (RatingSum > 0)
                        //DON'T DIVIDE BY ZERO!
                        AvgRating = (Convert.ToDecimal(RatingSum) / Convert.ToDecimal(NumberOfRatings));
                    //First build the "whole" stars
                    while (i <= AvgRating)
                        RatingHTML.Append("<img src=\"./images/starf.gif\" />");
                    //Now add a partial star in case the average is something like 3.5
                    if (AvgRating > (i - 1))
                        RatingHTML.Append("<img src=\"./images/starh.gif\" />");
                    //Add the "empty" stars
                    while (i <= 5)
                        RatingHTML.Append("<img src=\"./images/stare.gif\" />");
                    //Finally, represent the rating with text as well
                    RatingHTML.Append("<br/><span class=\"AvgRatingText\">Average Customer Rating:<br/>" + AvgRating.ToString() + " out of 5</span>");
                    //Just display a message stating that the product has not been reviewed
                    RatingHTML.Append("<span class=\"NoRatingsText\">No Reviews</span>");
                return RatingHTML.ToString();
    web.config (new code is red code)
    <!-- Add your own custom XSLTExtensionObjects here                                                                                        -->
    <xsltobjects defaultExtension="">
            <clear />
            <add name="receipt" namespace="urn:receipt" type="ReceiptXsltExtension, app_code"></add>
            <add name="customextensions" type="mycustomextensions.CustomExtensions" namespace="urn:CustomExtensions" />
    entity.grid.xml.config (new code is red code)
        <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" 
                        exclude-result-prefixes="aspdnsf CustomExtensions">
    <xsl:if test="aspdnsf:AppConfigBool('RatingsEnabled') = 'true'">
        <td height="45" align="center" valign="top">
          <xsl:value-of select="CustomExtensions:EntityPageRatings(ProductID)" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
    <a href="">Shopping Cart Software</a>