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Thread: sitemap2 view for phone-in orders

  1. #1
    JasonCorns is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default sitemap2 view for phone-in orders

    Can anyone tell me how to change the structure/generated content in sitemap2?

    this isn't a cache issue.

    I'm looking to change the link titles for the sitemap. My store has a LOT of product titles that are identical or similar, and relies on the presence of the SKU or Manufacturer ID to help Identify items. I want to alter the sitemap structure so that the title is formed as <productname - productSKU>.

    is there an xml file or anything that drives this structure?

  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    If you have a source code, try going to EntityHelper.cs and look at the GetEntityComponentArtObjectList() method and change this line below.
    tmpS.Append("<node Text=\"" + XmlCommon.XmlEncodeAttribute(DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "SKU", LocaleSetting)) + "\" NavigateUrl=\"" + XmlCommon.XmlEncodeAttribute(URL) + "\" />\n");

  3. #3
    MarkC is offline Developer
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    You can use sitemap1 and edit this file in admin/EntityHelpers/EntityULListPhone.xslt
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