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Thread: AspDotNetStorefront ML/Express Launched

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    DanV's Avatar
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    Default AspDotNetStorefront ML/Express Launched

    AspDotNetStorefront ML/Express Launched

    March 10th, 2009 – Westlake, OH – AspDotNetStorefront expands its product offerings with the new AspDotNetStorefront ML/Express shopping cart software platform, servicing the rapidly growing small business e-commerce market.

    Built around the same robust shopping cart engine that powers sites such as HP Experience™ and Z Gallerie®, AspDotNetStorefront ML/Express opens professional online e-commerce capabilities to smaller merchants with less complex requirements. AspDotNetStorefront ML/Express simplifies the industry leading feature set of AspDotNetStorefront ML to make it more intuitive, cost effective, and easier to manage for small merchants, cementing its position as the ideal choice for businesses just entering the online marketplace, or looking to upgrade from an archaic, expensive hosted online store.

    Read the full press release here...
    Last edited by AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott; 08-10-2009 at 10:47 AM.