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Thread: Locale question with version

  1. #1
    zeroone is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Locale question with version

    I did a new installation of the version (latest) i also runned the sql script to create the database tables but there is a bug i think.

    When i go to the admin pages and choose CONFIGURATION - LOCALISATION - CURRECIES i see the table empty! In the previous version there was a full table with all the currencies. At least it should have USD i beleive. I checked the table dbo.localsetting and it has one entru for USD. Why it does not apear it the web pages?
    I need to follow the procedure and setup to the site a sigle non US locale but i cannot do that since i do not see th USD locale.


  2. #2
    zeroone is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    i created a new locale el-GR
    I imported the greek version of the strings and then i manually deleted all the US strings from the database
    It seems to work until now. if you have a better procedure to get rid of the en-US and keep only the el-GR please specify

  3. #3
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Starting v8.0.1.0+, demo data such as Products, Categories, Currencies, etc won't be created by default when running the 'Create AspDotNetStorefront Database.sql' script as they're placed separately in another script called 'Install Demo Website Data.sql'. If you wish to have those created, just run the script against your DB.