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Thread: Populating Category Fields

  1. #1
    locoLindy is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Populating Category Fields

    I'm really confused. I have a category named "Piercing Tools Supplies" it's category number is 61. When I go into the admin site and edit products with the filter set to "Piercing Tools Supplies" the correct products display correctly. When I go out to the live site and click on Piercing Tools & Supplies it tells be the category selected is empty.

    I've checked the template more times than I can count, I've cut & pasted the category name and I even deleted category and recreated it. Still nothing.

    All other product categories in the <ul> work perfectly. Any ideas where I'm losing the link?

    Many thanks. I don't have any hair left to pull out!

  2. #2
    Megan is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Published?

    Have you made sure to set Published to Yes in the main tab under the product details?

    If not, your products exist in the back end for editing, but wouldn't appear in the front end because they are not published.

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