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Thread: A/B Testing Tools?

  1. #1
    chese79 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default A/B Testing Tools?

    What are people using for A/B testing pages?

    The two bigs tools in the market seem to be google content experiments/google analytics and Optimizley.

    Optimizley seems easier to use(hence the pay model). Are there any downsides. Is it really easy enough for "Marketing people" to use? Does it support MVC well?

    What are the ups and downs of google content experiments?

  2. #2
    webopius is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    London, UK


    I've briefly used the new Google analytics content experiments API but not within ASPDotNetStorefront.

    As I understand it, Google content experiments is something of a hybrid between A/B testing and Multivariant testing in that you are testing up to 5 variations of a page, each page having a unique URL.

    Definitely looks like an excellent toolset and if I get time, I'll play around with plugging it into ASPDNSF