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Thread: Which mobile topics are bogus/real?

  1. #1
    singproinc is offline Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Question Which mobile topics are bogus/real?

    We're working on our mobile version of the store. We have vs. 9.3.0.

    When we call up the topics page in the admin to look into editing mobile topics, we see these topics listed, including the duplicates:


    There is some *obvious* duplication and bogusness going on. Can anyone tell me which files are real, and which ones are bogus, so we can trash the bogus ones and focus on the real ones?

  2. #2
    mmcgeachy is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Do you have more then one store enabled? Or do you have more than one Localization? Topics can be customized per store or by Localization.

  3. #3
    singproinc is offline Member
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    Oct 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by mmcgeachy View Post
    Do you have more then one store enabled? Or do you have more than one Localization? Topics can be customized per store or by Localization.
    One store, one localization. Thanks for asking.

  4. #4
    mmcgeachy is offline Senior Member
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    Sep 2008


    hmm sounds like some how a script added some topics a few times that. Since you are just starting to customize you could delete all those topics and recreate a new one with this sql script.

    DELETE FROM [dbo].[Topic] WHERE Name='Mobile.GlobalHeader'
    DELETE FROM [dbo].[Topic] WHERE Name='Mobile.globalHeader'
    DELETE FROM [dbo].[Topic] WHERE Name='Mobile.GlobalFooter'
    DELETE FROM [dbo].[Topic] WHERE Name='Mobile.9HomeTopIntro'
    INSERT [dbo].Topic(Name, HTMLOK, ShowInSiteMap,Title, Description) values('Mobile.GlobalHeader', 1, 0, 'Mobile.GlobalHeader', '');
    INSERT [dbo].Topic(Name, HTMLOK, ShowInSiteMap,Title, Description) values('Mobile.GlobalFooter', 1, 0, 'Mobile.GlobalFooter', '(!XmlPackage name="mobile.footer"!)');
    INSERT [dbo].Topic(Name, HTMLOK, ShowInSiteMap,Title, Description) values('Mobile.9HomeTopIntro', 1, 0, 'Mobile.9HomeTopIntro', '(!XmlPackage name="mobile.entitylist" entityname="section"!)<ul data-role="listview"><li class="group" data-role="list-divider"></li><li><a href="e-mobile.entitylist.aspx?entityname=category" class="fullwidth">Shop (!AppConfig name="StoreName"!)</a></li></ul>');

  5. #5
    singproinc is offline Member
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    Oct 2006


    Thanks for the script. It's possible to add/delete topics in the admin, and I think it would take a total of about 8 clicks to remove the bogus topics, if I know which are the real topics, and which are the bogus ones.

    Can you tell me which topics in that list are not needed, and that I can delete?

    Thanks for your attention.

  6. #6
    mmcgeachy is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Yes you can delete topics in the admin. It is a soft delete in the admin however. therefore the records would still be there in the database. For most running the script is quicker than going through 8 or so clicks. So thought it would help speed things along.

    As for finding the topics, the SQL query that looks up a topic ID from the topic name only checks the 1st row. So in a sense you could the duplicates till you are down to just having one topic name shown for topic name each without too much issue.