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Thread: Hiding Manufacturers with No Published Items

  1. #1
    jfitz81 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default Hiding Manufacturers with No Published Items


    I read on this thread how to hide top level manufacturers with no products and/or top level manufacturers with no sub-manufacturers.

    What I need to do is hide sub-manufacturers where the products are unpublished. It isn't enough to hide manufacturers with 0 inventory, I need it to work when there are no published products.

    Any ideas?

    As always, thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Rob is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2004


    need much more data, on what your mfg and product structures look like, whether you are trying to hide based on inventory/out of stock/in-stock, hiding in "what" page construct (tree, menu, ul list, etc)....
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  3. #3
    jfitz81 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2008


    Thank you for your reply. Sorry I was not much more detailed. Let me try again.

    The store sells men and women's clothing. We decided to split up our manufacturers into Men's Manufacturers and Women's Manufacturers. The reasoning here is that when a user clicks on a link to a manufacturer in the sidebar they will be taken to products for either men or women, depending on where they are coming from.

    What we would like to do is set this up so that when a manufacturer has 0 published products (we are working with ChannelAdvisor, they provide an inventory feed which sets items to "unpublished" when there is zero inventory), the submanufactuer (Mens --> Manufacturer) does not show up on the list.

    We are using the rev.manufacturers menu, so it is in the ul list that we would like to hide the manufacturer. I hope this additional information helps.

    Thanks again for the great help you have provided thus far and for your efforts here as well.

  4. #4
    Jesse is offline Banned
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    May 2008


    Those populate based on the EntityHelper class. Inside that class, there is a boolean method called "EntityHasVisibleObjects(int EntityID)". You can use this method to determine the lack of published products, only if there are also no published subentities (It's going to return true if there's a published sub entity, but no published products). Accessing this method in the XMLPackage will require a handler for it in the XSLTExtensionBase class. You'll need source code.

  5. #5
    jfitz81 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2008


    Hi Jesse,

    Thanks for your quick response. Unfortunately, as we are working with CA, we don't have access to source code. Are there any possible alternatives?

  6. #6
    Rob is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2004


    with CA, and no source, the only thing you can do is request that they add that feature.
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  7. #7
    virtualtap is offline Senior Member
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    May 2007

    Default I need to do this now

    I need to do this now, can you explain how this is done, I do have the source.