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Thread: Accordion / Reductive Type Category Navigation Wanted

  1. #1
    tonya is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Accordion / Reductive Type Category Navigation Wanted

    I have added Category navigation to our Product List pages and am wanting to have the Categories/Sub-Categories to expand/collapse (show/hide) based on what section of the navigation is selected. For example, if a sub-sub-category is selected, I would like all of the parent and grandparent siblings to be hidden. I have been working on this for a few days to no avail. I found some JS/JQuery script that I thought would work earlier today but I've not been able to get it to do exactly what I am wanting.

    Here is the sample page with the JQuery implemented at this time:

    The problem with the current JQuery method is that it collapses the list when I try to navigate deeper into a sub-level. It is only "willing" to go one level deep, which simply does not work well. Our Lighting Category, for example has up to four (4) sub-category levels.

    One reason to keep the Category navigation for these particular pages shorter than on our standard non-product listing pages is because we also have Reductive Filters implemented. I also tried chopping up some of the XML and JS from that package, but to no avial.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  2. #2
    tonya is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    After trying to create my own jscript (and getting it to successfully work outside of ASPNDSF but not within it), I figured out that all I needed to do was edit my class definitions in the XML.config package and corresponding CSS file. Now my reductive/accordion list is working (mostly) as I had desired. See it in work at