i Added the following New String Resource

Name = AppConfig.CartButtonPrompt_InGrid
Value = Buy Now

In my code I added
tmpS.AppendFormat("<input type=\"image\" id=\"AddToWishButton_{0}_{1}\" name=\"AddToWishButton_{0}_{1}\" class=\"AddToWishButton_InGrid\" src=\"{2}\" alt=\"{3}\" ", ProductID, VariantID, src, AppLogic.GetString("AppConfig.WishButtonPrompt_InG rid", SkinID, LocaleSetting));

Yet it doesn't resolve to "Buy Now" and just shows the String Resource name specified in the "GetString" function call...

When I debug and put a breakpoint and add change the string to "AppCode.CartButtonPrompt" (which exists by default) it resolved..
But just appending "_InGrid" to make it hte name of hte newly added string resource does NOT resolve.

Any help is greatly appreciated.