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Thread: Discounts in Shopping Cart

  1. #1
    jmcconahie is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Discounts in Shopping Cart

    I have a customer level that receives a 10% discount. I want the customers to see how much they are saving with their discount when they check out. Is there a way to show the subtotal before the discounts are applied? All the items in the shopping cart show their already discounted price, and the subtotal shows the discounted price. I want to at least get the original subtotal before discounts, something like:

    Total Before Savings:	$19.99
    Member Discount:        -$2.00
    Subtotal:               $17.99
    I tried setting the ShoppingCart.SubTotal() function's includeDiscount variable to false, but I get the same value no matter what I put. Any Help?

  2. #2
    jmcconahie is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    I ended up just dividing the Subtotal with Discount applied by .90 to get original cost, then multiplying it by .10 to get the discount amount. I'm somewhat concerned if I will have issues with rounding, but for now it seems fine. Also not entirely sure if coupons will display correct discount amounts, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

    Would definitely prefer a way through the API to do it.