I know where the crateaccount.aspx file is and opened it fine but how do I move things around so I can customize it how I want.
Thank You
I know where the crateaccount.aspx file is and opened it fine but how do I move things around so I can customize it how I want.
Thank You
can you expand on what things you want to edit? Also which version are you using? Since the newest version uses more compiled controls than older versions. Most of those compiled controls can not be edited very much without the source code.
NSFW Warning.... https://www.shopnasstoys.com/createa...checkout=False on my page i want to format the section that reads Account & Contact Info section. I have the source code version and its number 9.
Thank You in advance..
I replied with a link to my site and I think its getting blackballed or something.. I am trying to format the top most section where you collect the FirstName, Last etc I want to left align things, stack them in a different way and also remove some fields... I have the source code and running version 9 but cant seem to find where to make these modifications.
Thank You
Then in the source code look at the AspDotNetStorefrontControls project. Then look at AddressControl.cs to edit address control and look at Account.cs to edit the account control. In most cases hiding an element already had a properties to do so it just matter of setting that to false on that page. However moving the position of elements requires editing CreateChildControls.
Thank You
It's in the source which is the next level up of your folder tree.
Using MS with the following customisations:
Lightbox/Fancybox enlarged images;
Auto-suggest searchbox;
Extra product information shown only to our IP Address (such as supplier info, costs, etc.);
Failed transactions emailed via trigger;
Custom app to show basket contents when customer online;
Orders pushed through to accounting systems.
All the above without source!
I am looking into getting that access. I will keep you posted if this solves the problem..
[QUOTE=esedirect;258185]It's in the source which is the next level up of your folder tree.
Where do I get all the Source in the image you've attached..?
I downloaded the 9.x's and they don't have them...
Styling a Form requires a compiled DLL change???
Isn't this the worst possible practice?
Last edited by ichi; 05-29-2013 at 08:06 AM.
In your earlier post, you did say that you have the source code!
Using MS with the following customisations:
Lightbox/Fancybox enlarged images;
Auto-suggest searchbox;
Extra product information shown only to our IP Address (such as supplier info, costs, etc.);
Failed transactions emailed via trigger;
Custom app to show basket contents when customer online;
Orders pushed through to accounting systems.
All the above without source!
and it wasn't me who said that...
where/how do i get all this source code?
Oops. Sorry, you're quite right. I didn't notice that I had switched talking to another. Source is available from the authors, dependant on your license.
Using MS with the following customisations:
Lightbox/Fancybox enlarged images;
Auto-suggest searchbox;
Extra product information shown only to our IP Address (such as supplier info, costs, etc.);
Failed transactions emailed via trigger;
Custom app to show basket contents when customer online;
Orders pushed through to accounting systems.
All the above without source!
I put in a ticket for the full source..
no worries. thanks..
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