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I needed to remove the left nav on a site I was building. I also customized the horizontal nav. Is there anyway that when my customer adds another category to have it automatically added to the horizontal nav? Or will I have to manually add the category to the horizontal nav?
By default, the horizontal nav menus are built in App_Code/TemplateBase.cs(.vb) based on the existence of (!menu.[entitytype]!) or (!menu.[entitytype]0!) in the skins/Skin_#/menudata.xml something like:
If you use the (!menu.[entitytype]0!) format, the menu will automatically add a new menu item for each entity and list its sub-entities underneath (see screenshot below). If you are using the (!menu.[entitytype]!) format, then each new entity is automatically added in the fly-under when hovering over the root menu item.
If you have customized this in such a way that neither of these formats are used, the best option is going to be to create a custom section in App_Code/TemplateBase.cs(.vb) that takes a custom token in skins/Skin_#/menuData.xml (eg. (!menu.mycustomcategorymenu!)) and then use the code that already writes the default menu data to create some deviation of the menu structure that can pull all of your entities without having to manually add one each time.