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Thread: Performance issue with MultiStore 9.3

  1. #1
    mohanrh is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Performance issue with MultiStore 9.3


    Our current website is running on version 8.1 ML/64 and we are planning to upgrade it to 9.3.1. Have anybody noticed performance issues with 9.3 version in terms of the response time? I have noticed that the official website of aspdotnet storefront itself is somewhat slow currently and I have seen "Please wait while we restart the website" message on their website when I tried to access a page.

    On our dev server where we have the 9.3 website, I have seen that the site takes a lot of time to respond (probably restarting) if I go to a page after being idle for say 15 min and I see the same "Please wait while we are restarting the site" message. I don't see this happening on our current website that is on 8.1 ML/64. Is this a new issue? Is it related to caching? Does the site require caching enabled to prevent from restarting on no activity?

    Any insight into these issues are greatly appreciated and as we embark on this big upgrade project, your inputs are very valuable.

    Mohan Hebbar

  2. #2
    cjbarth is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    I have noticed that v9.3 requires lots of connections to the database per user. It seems many parts of the code don't reuse connections or don't close them properly after they are used. In order to support 2-3 simultaneous users we need to allow at least 50 simultaneous database connections. I'm sure that affects performance. Additionally, when connections aren't released they eventually build up and require a recycle of the application pool, thus the site restarting message. I set the max allowed database connections to 1,000 on our site so that I have plenty of overhead to allow connections to timeout and be closed by the SQL Server instead of having IIS force an application pool restart to clear out the abandoned connections.
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