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Thread: New Order Notification Subject Line?

  1. #1
    Rabel is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Default New Order Notification Subject Line?

    I am trying to add some sort of unique ID to the New Order Notification Subject Line? I know that editing the string
    will change the subject and I know that {0} adds my store name but I want to add some sort of unique id to the subject - I would like to add the order number but any thing that would change it from everyother email would work.
    Any Ideas what I can do here?

  2. #2
    Rex is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Currently, not without licensing the source code. That is a good feature request. I will submit it to our devs.

  3. #3
    ronnie is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default how to change the subject line of the new order notification email using common.cs

    Quote Originally Posted by Rabel View Post
    I am trying to add some sort of unique ID to the New Order Notification Subject Line? I know that editing the string
    will change the subject and I know that {0} adds my store name but I want to add some sort of unique id to the subject - I would like to add the order number but any thing that would change it from everyother email would work.
    Any Ideas what I can do here?
    if i want to change the subject line using common.cs.4 file . how can i do it ?
    will it always be common.cs.4. coz in some other post it is common.cs.1 for live site and common.cs.2 for test site.
    Also some it is mentioned in some post that we can change the subject line using the sendemail function of the applogic.cs file. what is the better way ?. please clarify the confusion . thanks