I am looking to automate updating my quantities on the shopping cart without having to do an import from excel. I would like to create a local query that pulls the quantities out of my back-end database and updates the quantities on the shopping cart database. I can do it when both db reside on my server (which i did for my local test site) but when I tried to run it on the production site, it did error out. Does anyone have experience with this? Below is a test query I did locally.
UPDATE [dbo].[ProductVariant]
set Inventory = [companyDB].[DBO].ITMFIL.ITEM_RT_QTY_ON_HND
from [dbo].[ProductVariant] AS V inner join [DBO].Product AS P ON V.ProductID = P.ProductID
INNER JOIN [companyDB].[dbo].ITMFIL on P.SKU = ITEM_NO
where P.SKU = 'PART-1234'
I did this in the management studio while connected to the live db. I did put the local computer name but got an error message stating that the computer name was not in sys.systems.
Any help would be great.