I have been doing some research on the proposed legislation regarding the Marketplace Fairness Act.
1) Based on my research it looks like aspdotnetstorefront.com has a plug in using Avalara AvaTax. I looked at their program and it appears Avalara charges a fee per transaction for their tax service. Does anyone use this? How does it work? Is it expensive?
2) I also visited the website http://www.marketplacefairness.org/ . Their website indicates that http://www.taxcloud.net/ is free software that plugs into websites and calculates the various sales taxes from different states. Yesterday, I spoke to a representative at Tax Cloud and they said there are NO FEES at all to use their software. It is totally FREE. However, the representative said they had contacted aspdotnetstorefront.net about integrating their program into their ecommerece software. According to Tax Cloud they will even provide funding to help ecommerce platforms such as Vortex integrate their software with the Tax Cloud program. Tax Cloud said so far Vortex has not expressed an interest in integrating their cart with this option.
Does anyone use Tax Cloud? Can anyone share the steps needed to integrate Vortex shopping carts with Tax Cloud?