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Thread: Individual Item Shipping Cost - update in variants

  1. #1
    gigi is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Question Individual Item Shipping Cost - update in variants

    I am trying to import shipping costs in variants, while using Individual Item Shipping Cost.

    I uploaded the following via WSI interface:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <AspDotNetStorefrontImport Version="7.1"
    <Transaction Name="TEST Shipping">
    <Product Action="Update" ID="1145">
    <Variant Action="Update" ID="2607">
    <ShippingMethod ID="47" Cost="50.00"/>
    <ShippingMethod ID="48" Cost="100.00"/>
    <ShippingMethod ID="4" Cost="75.00"/>
    <ResetCache Confirm="true"/>

    Although it shows as if it worked, my database does not seem to be updated in the admin panel:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <AspDotNetStorefrontImportResult Version="7.1" DateTime="4/15/2013 10:49:15 AM">
    <Verbose Message="Import Starting" />
    <Transaction Name="TEST Shipping">
    <Verbose Message="Processing Product, Name=, Action=Update, ID=1145, GUID=" />
    <Verbose Message="Product OK" />
    <Item NodeType="Product" Name="" GUID="" ID="1145" ActionTaken="Update" Status="OK" Message="" />
    <Verbose Message="Processing Variant, Name=, Action=Update, ID=2607, GUID=" />
    <Verbose Message="Variant OK" />
    <Item NodeType="Variant" Name="" GUID="" ID="2607" ActionTaken="Update" Status="OK" Message="" />
    <Verbose Message="Executing SQL: update ProductVariant set IsDefault=0 where Deleted&amp;lt;&amp;gt;0 or Published=0 and ProductID=1145" />
    <Commit />
    <Verbose Message="Processing ResetCache, Confirm=True" />
    <Verbose Message="Executing SQL: exec aspdnsf_CreateMissingVariants" />
    <ResetCache />
    <Verbose Message="Import Completed" />

    Can anyone help? Is there any other method I could use to update these fields using WSI?

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    gigi is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Question Did it manually...

    I finally made it, manually, one by one... And I am happy, the calculation works perfectly.

    But I have a new issue: the google base. I am trying to generate the xml file that would include individual item cost, as required by Google Base.

    As this is not a documented shipping method, I don't know how to do the SQL query to extract the information.

    WSI data def inition presents it like this (within the variant node):

    <ShippingCosts AutoCleanup="boolean" PullFromVariantID="integer" PullFromVariantGUID="uniqueidentifier">
    <ShippingMethod ID="integer" GUID="uniqueidentifier" Cost="decimal"/>
    <ShippingMethod ID="integer" GUID="uniqueidentifier" Cost="decimal"/>
    <ShippingMethod ID="integer" GUID="uniqueidentifier" Cost="decimal"/>
    <ShippingMethod ID="integer" GUID="uniqueidentifier" Cost="decimal"/>

    Anyone can help? My ShippingMethod Ids are 47 and 48...
    Who can help in letting me know how to get the values stored in the variant fields?

  3. #3
    GoVedia is offline Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Orange, CA

    Default More Info


    What approach are you taking to generate the XML file? For example, is this being done from an XML Package?

    The Shipping class (AspDotNetStorefrontCore.Shipping) contains a method that may be of assistance; perhaps by way of example.
    static public decimal GetVariantShippingCost(int VariantID, int ShippingMethodID)
    It uses the following SQL:
    SELECT ShippingCost 
    FROM ShippingByProduct WITH(NOLOCK)
    WHERE VariantID = {VariantID}
    AND ShippingMethodID = {ShippingMethodID}
    Let me know if that helps!

    Robert Kanaan
    AspDotNetStorefront Development Partner

    Approved AspDotNetStorefront Development Partner
    AspDotNetStorefront Recommended Reseller

  4. #4
    gigi is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Red face Thank you Robert!

    I am using an xml file, yes.
    I mostly had trouble with the SQL query, which always gave me errors. I will try with the info you kindly provided and let you know!
    I really appreciate your input, thank you so much!!!