I am trying to import shipping costs in variants, while using Individual Item Shipping Cost.
I uploaded the following via WSI interface:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AspDotNetStorefrontImport Version="7.1"
<Transaction Name="TEST Shipping">
<Product Action="Update" ID="1145">
<Variant Action="Update" ID="2607">
<ShippingMethod ID="47" Cost="50.00"/>
<ShippingMethod ID="48" Cost="100.00"/>
<ShippingMethod ID="4" Cost="75.00"/>
<ResetCache Confirm="true"/>
Although it shows as if it worked, my database does not seem to be updated in the admin panel:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AspDotNetStorefrontImportResult Version="7.1" DateTime="4/15/2013 10:49:15 AM">
<Verbose Message="Import Starting" />
<Transaction Name="TEST Shipping">
<Verbose Message="Processing Product, Name=, Action=Update, ID=1145, GUID=" />
<Verbose Message="Product OK" />
<Item NodeType="Product" Name="" GUID="" ID="1145" ActionTaken="Update" Status="OK" Message="" />
<Verbose Message="Processing Variant, Name=, Action=Update, ID=2607, GUID=" />
<Verbose Message="Variant OK" />
<Item NodeType="Variant" Name="" GUID="" ID="2607" ActionTaken="Update" Status="OK" Message="" />
<Verbose Message="Executing SQL: update ProductVariant set IsDefault=0 where Deleted&lt;&gt;0 or Published=0 and ProductID=1145" />
<Commit />
<Verbose Message="Processing ResetCache, Confirm=True" />
<Verbose Message="Executing SQL: exec aspdnsf_CreateMissingVariants" />
<ResetCache />
<Verbose Message="Import Completed" />
Can anyone help? Is there any other method I could use to update these fields using WSI?
Thank you!