Thanks for all the posts everyone, I ended up adding the check to ASPDNSFProfileProvider SetProperty() method to not create rows with blank values or where CustomerID = 0 , although I am not 100% sure if those aren't legitimate anonymous customers in some cases. In my profile table, only 1.16% of the 25 million rows I had in there had a CustomerID > 0.
I also added the following to my maintenance script to delete any records over 30 days old:
DELETE FROM PROFILE WHERE UpdatedOn < dateadd(d, -30, getdate());

Originally Posted by
I believe this was an issue in pre MS9200 carts only and was later fixed.
We have the truncating/cleaning of this Profile table in our Daily Maintenance service which most of our clients use:
So on top of keeping your cart/database optimized/clean (runs automatically nightly during off peak hours) it also cleans this Profiles table.
We upgraded from 8.x to 9.3 last October (thanks Jan!) and I can confirm that the issue is still there unless those records with CustomerID = 0 are somehow legitimate values, but I cannot really tell for sure from what my limited knowledge could determine looking through the code.