Hey Guys,

Is anyone using GoogleTag Manager....successfully? We have decided to implement the GoogleTag Manager to use since we have several domains. Unfortunately, only the tags are half working, and Im not exactly sure what is going on, and was hoping someone ran into this issue before, or knows how to fix this.

Basically, we have generic tracking scripts, and we have the conversion tracking scripts to fire once someone places an order. Lets say, for example, my Spring Metrics code, I have the Generic code to fire on all pages, and I have the conversion code to fire when the url contains : orderconfirmation.aspx.

Now, according to GTM, its firing when I debug, and when I go into Spring Metrics, it is recording these "orders" or "people", however you want to look at it. But it is NOT recording or passing the order information through to Spring Metrics, all I see is;

customerId (!CUSTOMERID!)

when it should look something like this:

orderID 356985
customerId 698754

So its just passing the exact call from the conversion tracking code, as you will see below:


<script type="text/javascript">
_springMetq.push(["setdata", { revenue: "(!ORDERTOTAL!)"}]); _springMetq.push(["setdata", { "orderId": "(!ORDERNUMBER!)"}]); _springMetq.push(["setdata", { "customerId": "(!CUSTOMERID!)"}]); _springMetq.push(["convert", "Sale" ]);

Im thinking that the ordertotal call should not be wrapped in " " but should look like this maybe '(!ORDERTOTAL!)' instead? Should the revenue be in " "? I am just at a loss, because everything was working fine until we moved everything into Google Tag Manager.

Thanks in advance,