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Thread: MiniCart encased by a mysterious DIV with an auto height

  1. #1
    cdarkloc is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Question MiniCart encased by a mysterious DIV with an auto height


    I am attempting to skin the mini-cart, which unfortunately for me, is requiring a lot of changes to the source code.

    What I am finding most difficult is chasing down the container div that seems to encase the entire mini cart. I cannot find where in the code this div is generated. It ends up printing something like this:

    <div id="" class="" style="border: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow-y: hidden; visibility: visible; height: 380px; display: block;">
    I don't know why the id and class are blank, and it seems to auto populate the height depending on how tall it thinks the cart box is, and the problem with this is, it gets it wrong!! Because the overflow-y is hidden, the bottom part of the cart which allows a user a link to the checkout page is frequently cut off completely!

    I've looked in the code for the ASPDOTNETSTOREFRONT controlls DLL in the shopping cart cs files and nothing seems to generate this entry. I can't figure out where it is coming from. I've also looked in the /controls folder for the minicart.ascx and ascx.cs we well as the /jscripts/minicart.js . I must be blind. Or am I not looking in the right place? I need to get rid of that overflow part of the div, desperately.

    Thanks for any help.

  2. #2
    cdarkloc is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011



    I've come to the conclusion that this is a result of the Ajaxtoolkit and that is why I cannot find the code. I will look there for a solution.