I am trying to copy functionality from the simple product template to my own. The code in the aspndsf template looks like this:
Note there are 7 parameters in this call to ProductNavLinks.Code:<xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ProductNavLinks(ProductID, /root/Runtime/EntityID, /root/Runtime/EntityName, /root/EntityHelpers/*[name()=/root/Runtime/EntityName]/descendant::Entity[EntityID=/root/Runtime/EntityID]/SEName, 0, 1, 1)" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
Here is ALL the help I can find from the site on this function.
from http://manual.aspdotnetstorefront.co...-packages.aspx ...
Note how there are only *2* parameters listed here. By the way, NOTHING I tried with 2 parameters could in any way be made to work.Code:ProductNavLinks Description: Returns the next-previous product navigation for products within the specified category or section Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ProductNavLinks(ProductID, SectionID)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> Argument Name: ProductID Data Type: String Description: Specified product Argument Name: SectionID Data Type: String Description: Desired section (specify this OR category) Argument Name: CategoryID Data Type: String Description: Desired category (specify this OR section)