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Thread: Multistore version Mobile Issue

  1. #1
    jwallwork is offline Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Multistore version Mobile Issue

    We just upgraded a version 9.2 Multistore site with 2 domains to version, and am getting weird behavior concerning the new mobile feature in version 9.3.X.

    This site is a straight skinned site without any customization's to the underlying code files, so a pretty textbox upgrade, the one odiity was it was a Multistore site using Skin 2 for the 2nd Store, so we set the moblie skins to be Skin 3 and Skin 4 for the two sites respectively. After releasing to production, the system log started filling up with error messages indicating the "urn:mobile" namespace could not be found for the mobile xml packages, so we tried to disable the mobile skins per the manual by setting the mobile.IsEnabled appconfig to false. However we were still getting the error messages. After consulting with Vortx/AspDotNetStorefront we re-arranged the skins so the the 2nd stores full site would be skin 3 and the 1st stores mobile site would be Skin 2. We did this and updated the Mobile.SkinID for each store to the new skin folder. Still Getting Errorr Messagees.

    Now however, the 2nd store displays ok for a while and then out of the blue people start getting the mobile skin for the 1st store (generating urn:mobile error messages), not the 2nd stores Main skin. This lasts until the web site resets, then it displays it's assigned skin again.

    The mobile skins are the Out-Of-Box mobile skins, completely unmodified.

    Very perplexed ????:

    Questions are:
    Why do we keep getting the "urn:mobile" namespace not found errors, in the Mobile XSLT packages. The "mobile" resources is in the web.config and appears to be correct.
    Why doesn't 'mobile.IsEnabled" actually disable the mobile skins and redirect mobile apps to the main store skins? How can we accomplish this.
    Why does the 2nd store's site all of a sudden start showing the 1st sites mobile skin?
    Last edited by jwallwork; 02-14-2013 at 10:04 AM.

  2. #2
    djames101 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    Use exclude-result-prefixes on the xsl:stylesheet tag with the prefix "#default"

    The reference in w3c for this is HERE

    EDIT: OK, I should have studied your XSL more carefully. Move the xmlns on the message tag up to the stylesheet tag. This will put ALL the result elements in the same namespace and result in one namespace attribute on the message tag. I ran this in Oxygen/XML and got the output you want.