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Thread: Cash Payments, Partial Payments, and Changing Payment Methods for non-electronic payments

  1. #1
    lambrite is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Cash Payments, Partial Payments, and Changing Payment Methods for non-electronic payments

    I have three questions:
    • What is the best way to handle cash payments in the store? We have walk-ins for service that we will process as a telephone order but who may pay cash. This needs to be tracked separately from checks, POs, etc.
    • How can we register multiple partial payments to an order? Again, this would be something a store admin would handle, but part of a payment might be cash and part might be check or credit card.
    • How can an admin change payment methods for non-electronic payments, for example from cash to (paper) check?

    I have source code, am willing to customize, but want to ensure that I haven't missed an out-of box feature. I'm currently on 9.1.0, but can upgrade to 9.3 if that will make a difference.


  2. #2
    webopius is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2008
    London, UK


    Caveat: I'm typing this as I think of the answer and am happy to be corrected if I've missed something obvious!

    1. Cash

    The C.O.D payment type will handle cash payments but it sounds like you want to restrict this feature to only allow it to be chosen by admins processing it as a telephone order. I think that would require a relatively straightforward change in the checkout processing steps to only show the COD payment option if the user is in a telephone order state.

    Alternatively, you could use the Purchase Order payment type and simply use the PO reference as 'CASH' to indicate a cash payment.

    2. Partial payments would require come fairly extensive custom work I think. It's complex and has been discussed in threads previously:

    3. Again custom work but in principle a fairly straightforward modification to the View/Manage orders page


  3. #3
    lambrite is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    Thanks, webopius!