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Thread: Help With Inventory Management? How to and best practices

  1. #1
    abondi is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Help With Inventory Management? How to and best practices

    Hello, I currently have setup a ASPDotNet Storefont Multi-store and I currently have no way of doing any inventory management. Ideally I would like to be able to take the inventory on my site and update it with the current stock of the distributor who supplies the items we sell. I've tried searching for programs but it would seem that none of them are able to do what I need. I understand I might not be able to fully automate this process but I would like to be able to have a current stock of items.

  2. #2
    danrawk is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    hi -
    out of the box ASPDNSF isn't very robust with inventory management. part of this is because most people just people create software code to spec using the WSI interface out of ASPDNSF's back end to import/export the data they need or adjust inventory levels.

    there are also POS type systems (microsoft's RMS) that you can integrate with some custom programming that will manage inventory if a FAR more robust way.

    try compunix:
    they might be able to quote you on what you need done.

    i realize that won't solve your problem right now, but it should get you pointed in a better direction!

  3. #3
    nChannel is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Columbus Ohio

    Thumbs up

    Hi abondi,

    We may have just the solution for you.

    Using the nChannel connector for AspDotNetStorefront web sites, you can quickly and easily integrate AspDotNetStorefront to a variety of POS, ERP and accounting systems.

    You can easily syndicate items to nChannel, and merchandise them for your AspDotNetStorefront system and all your other channels, eliminating redundant data entry procedures.

    Syncing inventory across multiple channels can be a challenge. There is no need to manually update inventory quantities in all your eCommerce systems. nChannel will synchronize inventory as sales are made placed and fulfilled in AspDotNetStoreFront. Inventory displayed on AspDotNetStoreFront will always be up to date so you’re not selling items you no longer have in stock.

    There are a number of other features including synching with suppliers. You can read more about our connector here:

    Please call or email me with any questions. I look forward to hearing from you.

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