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Thread: Using another language

  1. #1
    silveruser is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Using another language


    I am interested on using the ML version on some shops in Italy , how easy it is to change the language on string resources?
    I have notice on the trial version the only option is US can I add other string resources once I have purchased the license? do I need the source code?
    Can I also change the language for the admin part?

    Thank You

  2. #2
    Jesse is offline Banned
    Join Date
    May 2008


    There are some string resources for the admin, but the admin is not 100% string skinnable. That being said, you'll want to create a file, create the Italy locale in the admin page, choose Italian from the dropdown on the string resources page, and upload your xls file you created. It will have to be in the same format as the US one you are provided with by default and you'll have to write the phrases in Italian while keeping the keys identical.