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Thread: Email notification low number of inventory

  1. #1
    michaelt is offline Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Email notification low number of inventory

    Is there a way that system will automatically email to site admin (or distributor) that certain product is getting low inventory and time to stock up again?

    Like if Product : XYZ reachs to 5 instock, it will email admin saying this product XYZ is 5, time to restock

    Thanks for your help

  2. #2
    Jesse is offline Banned
    Join Date
    May 2008


    There is no current AppConfig to enforce emails to the admin about a low stock. However, this can be added to the site through customization of the OrderConfirmation logic. This is when inventory is decremented. You can create a "LowCount" Appconfig, and query on it to see if the new productinventory needs an email sent out or not. It would take a bit of moderate customization.

  3. #3
    iberniztok is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Can anybody share their method for solving this issue? I dont see a way to check inventory in the solution, but only in the stored procedure 'adjustinventory'. how would one send an email while checking for low inventory?


  4. #4
    mbertulli is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2008


    You'd have to build something custom. I'd recommend hooking up an event handler on the NewOrder event that checks the orders products inventory levels and either marks something in a database somewhere or sends out a simple e-mail notification.
    Matthew Bertulli
    Demac Media
    Custom Web Design & E-Commerce Development
    AspDotNetStoreFront Platinum DevNet Partner

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  5. #5
    iberniztok is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Thank you for the quick reply! Yes i will go that route since it seems like a more modular approach. For the event.default.xml.config package... are the nodes under the EventData nodes the querystring variables that get posted to the 'post url' ?
    so in my page that i create to listen to this event... am i retrieving the querystring variable OrderNumber?
