And its only the categories. The work at the Product level, and also at the Topic level. And Im pretty sure it is something that I did, I just cant figure out what. Any suggestions on where to start looking?
And its only the categories. The work at the Product level, and also at the Topic level. And Im pretty sure it is something that I did, I just cant figure out what. Any suggestions on where to start looking?
I would start my search in the XMLPackage that those categories are running off of.
It appears to be across the board and not restricted to any single category xml package. I have been making some changes to the way the cookies are handled. Could that have any affect on the breadcrumbs?
Yes it could. The chances are that it seems to be across the board however because your XMLPackages for the categories are all the same one. Open it up and find where the breadcrumbs are displayed in the XSLT.
Or are you talking about the breadcrumbs above the menu in the left nav bar?
Sorry. Im talking about the "Now In: Category1 -> SubCatA -> SubSubCat.b ->Product1. If you are at anypoint other than the very root (Now In: Welcome to Store) or at at the very bottom ("Now In: Category1 -> SubCatA -> SubSubCat.b ->Product1), all it shows is "Now In:"
And I am positive that the categories I tested are not from the same xml package. Our site uses a few different type category packages ranging from the standard grid, to a table type, and a complete custom package. Each type is displaying the above behavior.
Ok, still trying to figure out what I did to break this. Ive undone all (I Think) of the cookie related changes that I recently made. Im still not getting any breadcrumbs until I reach the product level.
In troubleshooting this, I have discovered that the debug setting for entity type xml packages does not seem to have any affect. Is this normal? Or is that something else I have broken? Debug on a product xml package still shows all of the 'runtime data'.
In testing, I have blown away my local dev website and 'reinstalled' with fresh code from the downloaded extractor. If I deleted C:\Inetpub\wwwroot (which is were my local IIS looks for the web root) and copied the files from D:\AspDotNetStorefront7100\Web (which is where I unpacked the download), That should be completely stock code, right? Meaning nothing I have done in the past should be in there? IE: completely fresh code, including the compiled .dlls.
If so, why am I still having this issue where Category breadcrumbs aren't showing up? And since I now have all the entities available, manufacturer breadcrumbs aren't showing up either.
Last edited by; 07-07-2008 at 12:06 PM.
There is nothing much I can assist you with on this. Debug attribute on the entity XMLPackages is working perfectly fine locally and we've had no complaints to the contrary. If running the extractor and moving all of the files into the base inet/wwwroot directory results in your having an inet/wwwroot/web, inet/wwwroot/db and inet/wwwroot/wsi directories then yes you have done it correctly.
Run the script against it in the DB, install your license key, set your DBConn node in the web.config and don't forget to port over your encrypt key. Pretty much follow the directions in the manual for installation and you would be running on stock code. If it's not working on stock code, something is seriously wrong as I just double checked it working on stock code locally here. Fresh install.
Yea, Im trying to narrow down what is going wrong. Ive been thru a support ticket and all of 'my code' works fine over there. So it is something over here. Just trying to figure out what.
I have even done a new IIS install on a completely different computer but using the my same DB, still no breadcrumbs. Could there be anything in the DB that could cause this?
Well, I have narrowed it down to, you guessed it, the DB. Now to figure out what is causing the issue, and fix it.
Issue resolved. I restored an earlier db backup and I am once again getting Category breadcrumbs. I still have no idea what caused it, but its fixed.
I came across this problem a view days ago. The breadcrumbs "disappear" when you change the app config value for "CacheEntityPageHTML" from false to true. I haven't figured out a solution yet. Just to set the app config to false again and everything works fine.
You can fix the dissapearing breadcrumb problem by making the following code change:
(Webroot)/App_Code/ShowEntityPage.cs : 263
m_SkinBase.SectionTitle = (String)HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get(CacheName + "|SectionTitle");
Replace it with:
string NewSectionTitle = (String)HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get(CacheName + "|SectionTitle");
if (NewSectionTitle != null && NewSectionTitle.Trim().Length > 0)
m_SkinBase.SectionTitle = NewSectionTitle;
This solves the problem and you can still cache the Entity Page Html.
Ah ha! I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out what is happening with the breadcrumbs and cache. Will try the fix a little later.