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Thread: Product & Comparison Shopping Feeds

  1. #1
    supergriff is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Product & Comparison Shopping Feeds

    I've recently added a feed to Google Base and am keen to do this accross some other comparison shopping engines - for example Amazon, Pricegrabber,, Yahoo etc.

    However, whereas Google Base is free, the others require more time spent in setup and charge a fee for the service / or per click.

    What experiences have UK users had with any of these feeds? Which would be the one that, from your experience, would be the one to start with?

  2. #2
    thomasr79 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008

    Default feeds

    hi, we are using the IS version but we have set up feeds for keloo, google, and nextopia. We are hoping to package these up shortly for sale along with an order importer for the likes of It does take a small amount of time but it's the order importing that is time consuming.

    After this we will target ebay.

  3. #3
    jon-langley is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    If you are interested in eBay AND ASP (possilbly even Amazon and a few other "areas" like google) then can I recommend

    They have a pretty good system that will link between all of those plus a few more.... If they ask... Tell them that "jon Langely" or "jon-langley" sent you and they may have a special off available...

  4. #4
    Rob is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    As everyone knows now also (probably). Channel Advisor acquired MarketWorks who offered an OEM integration with AspDotNetStorefront and their auction push platform, so contacting Channel Advisor may be a good place to start.
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