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Thread: P3P Privacy Policy

  1. #1
    supergriff is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default P3P Privacy Policy

    One of the recommended tasks before going live is to get a P3P privacy policy:

    Does anyone have an example (from an aspdnsf site!) that they could either post in response to this, or message me with directly?

    The link below contains a free tool to generate the policy, but I'm not sure how to go about detailing all the cookies that aspdnsf uses (is there a list to refer to anywhere?).

  2. #2
    Jesse is offline Banned
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Taken directly from the URL provided by Jon in the suggestion document:

    Use an online questionnaire like to generate a P3P Policy XML file and a Compact Policy to be applied to the site.
    Use Internet Services Manager within MMC to configure Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) to set custom header properties to pages, virtual directories, or entire Web sites. To enable P3P custom headers using Internet Services Manager to configure IIS. (NOTE: If you don't have access to your IIS instance or your ISP doesn't want to help you out, you can also add these HTTP Headers programmatically using an HttpModule.)
    1. Right-click the desired page, directory, or site, and then click Properties.
    2. On the HTTP Headers tab, click Add.
    3. In the Custom Header Name field, type P3P.
    4. In the Custom Header Value field, enter your Compact P3P Policy and then click OK.
    You can then validate your site's compliance with P3P using the W3C's online validator at There is a detailed deployment guide available.

  3. #3
    amient2 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Is P3P still revelant?

    Does anyone know what % of websites use this?
