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Thread: Questions regarding VAT

  1. #1
    golles is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Questions regarding VAT

    Hi There

    I am trying to make VAT totally transparent to the customers of the site except for the final recipt where I would like VAT to be itemised. So I would like prices to be vat inclusive, no mention of vat on checkout etc BUT I want VAT to be fully visible in admin so our staff can see VAT calculations etc.

    My settings are:
    639 PricesEnteredWithVAT - false
    635 VAT.AllowCustomerToChooseSetting - false
    636 VAT.CountryID - 80
    634 VAT.DefaultSetting - 1
    633 VAT.Enabled - true
    638 VAT.HideTaxInOrderSummary - true
    637 VAT.RoundPerItem - false

    This is the outcome
    Product Page - prices shown as VAT inclusive (fine)
    Shopping Cart and all checkout pages - VAt Inclusive price show but below that another line which states the VAT amount - need to remove this second line

    Can anyone help me in hiding the VAT on the shopping cart and checkout pages?


  2. #2
    ASPDNSF Staff - Buddy is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    To get the VAT to not display on the line items in the checkout pages you'd have to modify the source code. Another option would be to disable VAT and enter the prices with VAT included and remove the country level tax. Then you'd have to modify the receipt to reverse calculate the amount VAT.