Hi There
I am trying to make VAT totally transparent to the customers of the site except for the final recipt where I would like VAT to be itemised. So I would like prices to be vat inclusive, no mention of vat on checkout etc BUT I want VAT to be fully visible in admin so our staff can see VAT calculations etc.
My settings are:
639 PricesEnteredWithVAT - false
635 VAT.AllowCustomerToChooseSetting - false
636 VAT.CountryID - 80
634 VAT.DefaultSetting - 1
633 VAT.Enabled - true
638 VAT.HideTaxInOrderSummary - true
637 VAT.RoundPerItem - false
This is the outcome
Product Page - prices shown as VAT inclusive (fine)
Shopping Cart and all checkout pages - VAt Inclusive price show but below that another line which states the VAT amount - need to remove this second line
Can anyone help me in hiding the VAT on the shopping cart and checkout pages?