Is anybody out there using BizRate?If so, do you know where to put the pop-up code so it does not pop-up in the Admin Orders screen?
Is anybody out there using BizRate?If so, do you know where to put the pop-up code so it does not pop-up in the Admin Orders screen?
I use bizrate and assume you mean the code for the surveys. I put my in orderconfirmation.aspx.cs. Make sure you place the code somewhere in the
if (!ord.AlreadyConfirmed)
Hello all,
I'm not a programmer but know that JavaScript does not work in VB. I need to somehow figure out how make this work...
In the file orderconfirmation.aspx.vb
I need to call some JavaScript, like
after this line<!-- Start of Bizrate Code -->
<script language="JavaScript">
var passin_x = 500; var passin_y = 500;
<script language="JavaScript">
var passin = 'Q12345=';
<script language="JavaScript">
var br_cartzip = 'Q123456=&Q123457=';
<script language ="Javascript">
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
<!-- End of Bizrate Code -->
of code, because we don't want it popping up in the admin when processing orders and only want it to pop-up once per order.DB.ExecuteSQL("Update Orders set AlreadyConfirmed=1 where OrderNumber=" & OrderNumber.ToString())
Should I do a writer.Write ? like
Or is there a better way to do it?writer.Write("<script language=""JavaScript"">")
writer.Write("<var passin_x = 500; var passin_y = 500;")
I am guessing others have tackled this scenario.
Any help would be appreciated
Thank you
I tried this, however, all I get is an InvalidRequest.aspx redirect. I've placed the survey code in multiple spots within the if (!ord.AlreadyConfirmed) brackets.
Any suggestions as to exactly place the code within this code
if (!ord.AlreadyConfirmed)
if (AppLogic.ProductIsMLExpress() == false &&
AppLogic.AppConfigBool("IncludeGoogleTrackingCode" ))
Topic GoogleTrackingCode = new Topic("GoogleTrackingCode");
if (GoogleTrackingCode.Contents.Length != 0)
output.Append(GoogleTrackingCode.Contents.Replace( "(!ORDERTOTAL!)", Localization.CurrencyStringForGatewayWithoutExchan geRate(ord.Total(true))).Replace("(!ORDERNUMBER!)" , OrderNumber.ToString()).Replace("(!CUSTOMERID!)", ThisCustomer.CustomerID.ToString()));
if (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("IncludeOvertureTrackingCo de"))
Topic OvertureTrackingCode = new Topic("OvertureTrackingCode");
if (OvertureTrackingCode.Contents.Length != 0)
output.Append(OvertureTrackingCode.Contents.Replac e("(!ORDERTOTAL!)", Localization.CurrencyStringForGatewayWithoutExchan geRate(ord.Total(true))).Replace("(!ORDERNUMBER!)" , OrderNumber.ToString()).Replace("(!CUSTOMERID!)", ThisCustomer.CustomerID.ToString()));