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Thread: UK 'Shipping' table

  1. #1
    dircums is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2007

    Default UK 'Shipping' table

    I was interested in using either zones or countries for delivery rates, but ASPDNF only seems to offer calculation by zone. But zone seems to be based on numeric US zip codes which is totally inappropriatefor UK Post codes.

    The only way I can see around this is to use a third party carrier rather than Royal Mail, but given the size of parcels we use, this is an expensive overkill.

    Does anyone have any suggestions about how to go about setting up a delivery table for the UK?

    BTW.. you have no idea how long it took to find every reference to the word "shipping" and change it to "delivery"!

  2. #2
    DaveW is offline Junior Member
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    Default UK Shipping rates


    Set the delivery rates by states/counties. Don’t use the zip codes fields.

    We use different rates for:

    UK Mainland counties
    Northern Ireland
    Southern Ireland
    Scottish Highland
    Channel Island

    You will have to extend the state/abbreviation field to except longer text field as this is what is used for rates and G Checkout, but try it with “Avon” We had to get a developer to do this for us.



  3. #3
    kentrob is offline Member
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    I have just implemented shipping by postcode zones. It's a source code update. The problem with using counties is that there is no official list of counties (see other threads in this forum) so it is not 100% reliable.

    What I did was firstly add two new AppConfig entries, UsePostcodes and UsePostcodeForShippingZone, in a new group. Then I added validation for all postcode input so that I knew I at least had a valid format. Then I wrote a check in Shipping.ZoneLookup:

              // pbd: start of redirection to postcode lookup.
                if (AppLogic.AppConfigBool(ProofByDesignUtils.Constants.AppConfig.UsePostcodeForShippingZone))
                    return ProofByDesignUtils.ZoneLookupPostcode(zip);
                // pbd: end of redirection to postcode lookup.
    I can send you the actual lookup routine if you want to use it.

    Our courier, Fastway, was kind enough to send us a full list of their postcode charging areas in relation to our shipping point.

    Cheers, Rob

  4. #4
    dircums is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2007


    Without buying the source code I'm a bit stuck.

    So, I my current thought is to implement delivery rates by country, which is simple enough.

  5. #5
    kentrob is offline Member
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    Yes, that should work so long as customers can happily match their county. I added Avon back in because so many people still use it even though it is no longer an official county.

    In one way, it's a better option that using postcode because you provide them with a list so you know the input is valid, whereas with postcode you can only validate the format.

    An unmatched area code results in a match on the fallback zone, which is typically overseas - hopefully your dispatching staff would notice that anomaly and correct the address though.


  6. #6
    DotNetDevelopments is offline Senior Member
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    Harlow / Essex / UK

    Default Shipping Zones and post code

    Interesting Thanks
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  7. #7
    DotNetDevelopments is offline Senior Member
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    Harlow / Essex / UK


    Quote Originally Posted by kentrob View Post
    I have just implemented shipping by postcode zones. It's a source code update. The problem with using counties is that there is no official list of counties (see other threads in this forum) so it is not 100% reliable.

    What I did was firstly add two new AppConfig entries, UsePostcodes and UsePostcodeForShippingZone, in a new group. Then I added validation for all postcode input so that I knew I at least had a valid format. Then I wrote a check in Shipping.ZoneLookup:

              // pbd: start of redirection to postcode lookup.
                if (AppLogic.AppConfigBool(ProofByDesignUtils.Constants.AppConfig.UsePostcodeForShippingZone))
                    return ProofByDesignUtils.ZoneLookupPostcode(zip);
                // pbd: end of redirection to postcode lookup.
    I can send you the actual lookup routine if you want to use it.

    Our courier, Fastway, was kind enough to send us a full list of their postcode charging areas in relation to our shipping point.

    Cheers, Rob
    If you could send me the actual lookup routine that would be really helpfull... thanks
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  8. #8
    supergriff is offline Senior Member
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    I've just implemented shipping by postcode; it's a source update.

    I wondered (if any of the original contributors to this thread are around), how you handled shipping to EIRE?

    I only have 1 country in our database currently - United Kingdom. I hide the counties / state field so it's redundant.

    Is it best just to add another country to the DB, and if that gets selected (Eire) then the postcode field is not required?