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Thread: PaidByCash

  1. #1 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default PaidByCash

    Does anybody know anything about PaidByCash?

    It seems to be showing up more and more at some sites as payment method.

  2. #2
    ASPDNSF Staff - Jon's Avatar
    ASPDNSF Staff - Jon is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    It's a service by Western Union to allow them to issue a virtual MasterCard number. You don't actually get a plastic card, just the number and CVV code. The customer would use it on your site just like a normal MasterCard transaction.

    I'm leery of all these "virtual MasterCard" programs popping up, like PaidByCash or PayPal Plug-In, as it allows credit card purchases to be made by customers who otherwise are not vetted by the credit approval process. Anyone can now plunk down money, get a virtual credit card, and make purchases at your store with full chargeback protection. What is to prevent them from claiming non-receipt of your package, and filing a chargeback claim? They've got nothing to lose, since they aren't using a real credit card anyway.
    Jon Wolthuis