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Type: Posts; User: rpoage; Keyword(s):

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  1. Problem sloved. Posting the fix

    There was a schema issue due to setting the user had used. AppliedI corrected the schema and reowned the objects to fix the problem.

    Once again I was above my level of comfort and Applied! came...
  2. Database string issues?

    I'm going to assume that this is related to the database connection string in web.config.

    <add key="DBConn" value="data;initial catalog="database name";user id="login...
  3. New dev site, attempt to add manufacturer / 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException'

    This is the error response I get when I attempt to add a manufacturer in admin?
    When I set up the SQL database there were no errors? Any thoughts on this are appreciated.

    18 8/10/2012 10:34:50...
Results 1 to 3 of 3